Complete International Convention Patches with Ohio Ties Information.

Under Construction.


1964: Homer Hoover elected as 2nd year Director at the 47th International Convention in Toronto, Canada.
1966:W. R. "Dick" Bryan elected as 3rd VP at the 49th International Convention  in New York, NY.
1967: W. R. "Dick" Bryan elected as 2nd VP at the 50th International Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
1968: W. R. "Dick" Bryan elected as 1st VP at the 51st International Convention in Dallas, Texas.
1969: W.R. Dick Bryan elected as International President at the 52nd International Convention in  Tokyo, Japan.

1964-1969 / 1970-1979 / 1980-1989 / 1990-1999 / 2000- 2009 / 2010-2019 / 2020-2029 /

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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025