Lions Clubs International 100% attendance award program started
in 1927. The purpose was to recognize Lions club members for their perfect
attendance at club meetings. Lions Clubs members can make up missed club
meetings if done so 6 days before or 6 days after words the missed meeting by
attending other clubs or other Lion's activates. Lions Clubs International also
issued 100% attendance tabs for each year of continuous attendance and they are
available in 1 through 60.
Pin variation explanations:
1976-1977 Variation 1: Mis-spelled (Attendence)
1976-1977 Variation 1: correct spelling (Attendance)
1977-1978 Variation 1: dark gold finish with large bumps.
1977-1978 Variation 2: dark gold with smoother finish with fine
1977-1978 Variation 3: light gold finish with large bumps.
1978-1979 Variation 1: Light Blue lake, pin has ridges.
1978-1979 Variation 2: Dark Blue lake, pin is smooth and emblem is round.
(Note: My pin is chipped in the yellow portions)
1981-1982 Variation 1: flat island, logo, lettering, and clutch back pin.
1981-1982 Variation 2: raised island, logo, lettering and safety type pin,
came from Canada.
1982-1983 Variation 1: Texas is Light Blue color-Variation 2: Texas is Aqua
color, came from Canada
1983-1984 Variation 1: Arkansas is blue, blue outline around Lions Logo.
1983-1984 Variation 2: Arkansas is dark blue, no blue border around Lions
Logo, came from Canada
1986-1987 Variation 1: light blue, flat island, logo, lettering, and made
in Taiwan.
1987-1988 Variation 2 has raised lettering.
1986-1987 Variation 2: dark blue, raised island, logo & lettering.
* If your scratching your head why I started at 1945, if the attendance
awards started in 1927.
1. Supply and Demand, 1927-1944 are very hard to find, every now and then
they show up on E-bay but go for big bucks.
There is one website that show the 100% attendance pins in there entirety at
Lions International Trading Pin Club .
2. All pins are from my collection, and I have 29 years of perfect attendance. BK