Lions Journey For Sight Pins
(A work in progress)
Unknown Date 1984 1987 1988
1990 1991 1992 +1993
1994 +1995 +1996 1997
+1998 +1999 2000 +2001
+2002 +2003 +2004  
Plastic Pin
Unknown Date
Unknown Date    

1991,1994,1997 and unknown date large pin above provided by PCC Don Ager and scanned by PDG Bill Keller.
+Photo/scan provided by PCC Don Ager, resized by PDG Bill Keller and pins from PCC Jim Scheibel’s collection.
All other pins in PDG Bill Keller's collection.

This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2024