gold |
white |
silver |
black |
red |
orange |
purple |
1. Gold "J'" Pin: Awarded once for every new member you sponsor.
2. White "J" Pin: Awarded for three (3) club visitations. Charter nights,
projects. Fundraiser and zone meetings outside you zone are included in
3. Silver "J" Pin: Awarded (if you wish) in exchange for five (5) white "J"
pins. A minimum of 15 official visits are therefore required.
Each Lions Club secretary will notify the District Governor as to who
qualifies for the White and Silver "J" pins.
4. Black "J" Pin: Awarded at the District convention to Presidents who
fulfill the Excellent President Qualifications.
5. Red "J" Pin: Awarded at the District Convention to secretaries who
fulfill the 100% Secretary Qualifications.
6. Orange "J" Pin: Awarded to those Lions who successfully complete the
J-O Orientation Process.
These will be awarded by a District Officer at a meeting where there is a
group of Lions present.
7. Purple "J" Pin: Award to those Lions who successfully complete the J-O
Senior Orientation Process.
These will be awarded by a District Officer at a meeting where there is a
group of Lions present.