Lion Mary Ellen Sherer Personal Pins
Or parts of other sets.

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer (PP)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Mrs. Santa Claus
 (October 2013-HS)

PID Steven & Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Italian Santa Claus
(January 2014-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Be My Valentine
(January 2014-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa and His Sleigh Number 3
(April 2014-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Winter Solstice Holiday
The Hockey Stick
(July 2014-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Frosty Greetings
(January 2015-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa and His Sleigh Number 4
(February 2015-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Happy Santa Claus in Winchester
(October 2015-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
(Nov-Dec 2015-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Girls of Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus

(January 2016-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa in His Motorboat  "Light Blue"
(February 2016-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa and His Sleigh Number 5
(February 2016-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Final Salute to Halloween
(May 2016-HS)

+Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
A Friendly Goodbye from Santa Claus
(May 2016-HS)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
 The Happy Lion
(October 2016-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Centennial Train Set
(October 2016-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The York, PA Express
(February 2017-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Lions Centennial Chicago Express
(June 2017-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Santa Railroad Express
(February 2018-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Animal Kingdom
(October 2018-AT)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Pin Trading Mermaids
(Nov/Dec 2018-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa on His Water Jet Ski
(March 2019-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Invasion of the Turtles
(March 2019-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Shell Collection
(March 2019-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Life Preservers
(November 2019-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Whimsical Water Creatures of the Great Southwest
(December 2019-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Weather Vane Extravaganza
(March 2020-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa and His Flying Fish Friends
(March 2020-WW)


Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Tropical Fish Extravaganza Fish #16
(June 2020-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
The Snow People in Iowa.
Snowman #3
(June 2020-WW)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
All American Smiling Clown
(March 2021-CC)


Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
Santa Greets the Clown
All Stars
(April 2021-CC)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
A Carnival Favorite The Bumper Cars
(November 2021-CC)


“The First Lady”
NOTE: Part of a 2 pin puzzle
(February 2022-CC)


“The Prez”
NOTE: Part of a 2 pin puzzle
(February 2022-CC)

Lion Mary Ellen Sherer &
PID Steve Sherer
The two pin puzzle set.
(February 2022-CC)

Santa and His Clown All Stars
(March 2022-CC)


The Good Old Horse and Buggy Days
Featuring the Clowns of the Circus
(June 2022-CC)

World Famous Pennsylvania
 Dutch Hex Barn Signs
(August 2022-FG)

World Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Barn Signs II
(November 2022-FG)

World Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Barn Signs III
(November 2022-FG)

Hex Signs Decorate Pennsylvania
 Dutch Farm Barns
(March 2023-FG)

New Hampshire Pin Traders Watering the Flower Garden
(March 2023-FG)


Santa and his
 Farm Raised Christmas Trees
(March 2023-FG)

$1st Vice District Governor
 Iconic Farm Lady
November 2023-F&G

^Bill Sour (CO) 1st Vice District Governor Iconic Farmer
November 2023-F&G

%November 2023-F&G

 Fall Season on the Farm
November 2023-F&G

Blue Ribbon Winners from the
 Rose Garden
November 2023-F&G

New Hampshire Pin Traders Present the
Barns and Silos of The Granite State
March 2024-FG

Gold Medallion Rose Garden
March 2024-FG

+=Misprint has 13C instead of 13G
HS=Holiday Series (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
AT=Animals & Trains Sets (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
WW=Wonderful World of Water Sets (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
CC= Circus and Carnivals Sets (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
FG=Farming and Gardening (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
One of a two pin set.
^ Two
of a two pin set.
% The two pins above when joined together make a two pin set.
It is a takeoff on the 1937 iconic “American Gothic” painting by Grant Wood .

This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025