MD13 Foundation Pins & Buttons
Includes: OLERF, OLF, Pilot Dogs , COLEB and OLPCF.

Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation.

 walk/run program

walk/run program

+ Distributed to who participates in the Steps walk/run program.
These pins will be part of a seven year cycle, with each year being the color of the rainbow with Red being the 2020 color.

Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation


  OLERF $10 contribution pin.  

Ohio Lions Foundation


Pilot Dogs




Special Friend of Pilot  Dogs

Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank


Districts 13F, 13J & 13K

Ohio Lions Eye Bank of West Central Ohio



(Banner scan not to size)


This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025