PID Steve Sherer Personal Pins or parts of other sets (See notes).
The New Hampshire Pin
Traders Present the Car Parade of Clowns
April 2022-CC
+*Emmitt Kelly Pin #8
(June 2022 CC)
+The LITPC Board of Directors
Good Old Horse and Buggy Days
Featuring the Clowns of the Circus
(June 2022-CC)
See Rob Murry's page for part 1
+The LITPC Board of Directors
Good Old Horse and Buggy Days
Featuring the Clowns of the Circus
(Complete set June 2022-CC)
+LITCP President
June 2022
+Pumpkin Seed Packet #1 of 5
August 2022-FG
Kentucky Pin Traders
The Kentucky Farm Barns
Salute the Stars and Stripes
Barn #4
November 2022-FG
+Pumpkin Seed Packet #2 of 5
November 2022-FG
+The Mail Pouch Extravaganza November 2022-FG
+LITPC Board of Directors 2022-2023
November 2022-FG
Georgia Pin Traders Proudly Present
The Kings & Queens of the Farm Animals
February 2023-FG
New Hampshire Pin Traders
Watering the Flower Garden
March 2023-FG
+Santa Claus and His Reindeer
Working the Santa Farm
March 2023-FG
+Pumpkin Seed Packet #3 of 5
March 2023-FG
+Santa and his Farm Raised Christmas Trees
March 2023-FG
+The Parade of John Deere Tractors
March 2023-FG
+Pumpkin Seed Packet #4 of 5
April 2023-FG
+Pumpkin Seed Packet #5 of 5
July 2023-FG
The Kentucky Pin Traders Present Scenic Kentucky Farm
November 2023-FG
The Pennsylvania Pin Traders
Garden Market Place
November 2023-FG
Santa Offers Veggies for the Table
November 2023-FG
+LITPC Board
Fall Season on the Farm
November 2023-FG
The Scotch Club Cows
November 2023-FG
+Sweet Corn Seed Packet
November 2023-FG
+Polled Herefords on the Sherer Farm
November 2023-FG
+The Brigade of Farm Trucks
November 2023-FG
Georgia Pin Traders Present the
Kangaroo Farm February 2024-FG
+Radish Seed Packet February 2024-FG
Pennsylvania Pin Traders
Christmas Tree Farm March 2024-FG
+Tomato Seed Packet March 2024-FG
+A Windmill of Past Presidents
March 2024-FG
New Hampshire Pin Traders Present the
Barns and Silos of The Granite State March 2024-FG
+Larry’s Garden Center March 2024-FG
Mr. Bovine on His Tractor
May 2024-FG
Missouri Pin Traders
Nuisance Weeds in Your Garden & Field
May 2024-FG
Grains from the fields Oats
May 2024-FG
Missouri Pin Traders
Weed Killers for Gardens and Fields
No 2 May 2024-FG
+= Also considered a LITCP Director, Vice President, President
or Past President's Pin, see Ohio's LITCP Director Pins Website.
+*= 8
pin set honoring the world’s Famous Circus Clown, Emmett Kelly.
CC= Circus and Carnivals Sets (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
FG= Farm and Garden Sets (OLPTC members participation in other sets)
The Pumpkin Seed Packets pins set of five.
website is maintained by PDG Bill
Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved,
displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse
engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written
permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club. The content of our
website including without limitation all information, text, photographs,
and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary
rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to
all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the
information to further Lions causes.