In accordance with an understanding that we have established with LCI, we agreed to periodically remind our membership of the roles governing the use and manufacturing of authorized Lions trading pins.


1. One of the most significant points in our understanding is that all Multiple District, District, and Club pins that are three years and newer will    NOT be sold in excess of the cost of the pin plus normal distribution costs. All such pins in excess of three years are considered to be collectibles and may be sold for whatever the market value brings.

2. Any pin that has the emblem larger than 1/2 the size of the pin, or any emblem that is so small that it cannot be defined as a Lions, Lioness, or Leo emblem is not permissible.

3. Any pin picturing alcohol, nudity, pornography, gambling, drugs, or of questionable morality should not be produced.


4. A pin that does not have an official Lions, Lioness, or Leo emblem but does contain the words Lion, Lioness, or Leo should not be produced.

5. Any pin that is altering the emblem in any way should not be produced. The emblem must always stand alone and cannot be defaced in anyway, e.g., a hole cannot be put in the emblem to support a jump ring.

6. A pin with lettering that has an apostrophe before or after the "s" in Lions should not be produced.

7. A Lioness pin that contains one of the following should not be produced:

a. Ladies Auxiliary

b. Lady Lions

c. Lionettes

d. Chartered (Lioness Clubs are NOT chartered).


8. Any pin containing a living persons name or picture should only be produced with the permission from that person.


 9. One Club cannot use another Club's design and just change the Club name without permission from the designer of the pin.

10: A jewelry item or piece that is in the same class as an item available in the Lions Official Supply Catalog should not be produced without processing through the Club Supplies Division of LCI.

11. Any pin with one of the following words is NOT a trading pin and must be processed through LCI:

a. Convention
b. Award

c. Camp

d Foundation
e. Eye Bank

f. Donor

g. Research

h. Conservation
i. Clinic
j. Project

k. All-State Band
I. Forum

m. Conference
n. Meeting

o. Youth Camp
p. Tournament
q. Carnival


 It should be noted that all authorized pin makers have agreed to the foregoing rules, where applicable, and are required to comply with them under their licensing agreements with LCI.




This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025