Complete International Convention Banners with Ohio Ties
(Scans not to size)

 June 19-23,2000
83rd Annual Convention Honolulu, HI.
 July 2-6,2001
84th Annual Convention Indianapolis, IN.
 July 8-12,2002
85th Annual Convention Osaka, Japan.
 June 30-July 4,2003
86th Annual Convention Denver, CO.
July 5-9,2004
87th Annual Convention Detroit, MI/Windsor,
Ontario, Canada.
June 27-July 1,2005
88th Annual Convention Hong Kong, China.
*June 30-July 4,2006
89th Annual Convention Boston, MA.
July 2-6,2007
90th Annual Convention Chicago., IL.
June 23-27,2008
91st Annual Convention Bangkok, Thailand. 
July 6-10,2009
92nd Annual Convention Minneapolis, MN.

2003: Gary Brown elected as International Director at the 86th International Convention in Denver, Colorado.
2006: Steven Sherer elected as International Director at the 89th International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts.
Steven Sherer elected as 2nd year Director at the 90th International Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
2009: Jerry Smith elected as International Director at the 92nd  International Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
 * Due to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans the International Convention was moved to Boston .


Bangkok 2008 courtesy of ID Yves Leveille

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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025