Complete International Convention Banners with Ohio Ties
2020-2029 (Scans not to size)
June 26-30, 2020
Republic ofSingapore
June 25-29, 2021
103rd Annual Convention
June 24-28, 2022
104th Annual Convention
Montreal, Québec, Canada
7-11, 2023
105th Annual Convention
Boston, MA
Montreal and Boston banners courtesy of Lion Mary Ellen Sherer
*2020: ID Steve Thornton serves another term.
*All executive officers and international directors will continue
to serve through June 29, 2021 following a resolution passed in
March of 2020 by the international board of directors in
response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
and subsequent cancellation of
the 2020 International Convention in Singapore. 2022: Ron Keller of
Millersport, Ohio elected as International Director at the 104th International
Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
2023: Ron Keller elected as 2nd year Director at the 105th International
Convention in Boston, MA.
website is maintained by
PDG Bill
Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved,
displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse
engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written
permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club. The content of our
website including without limitation all information, text, photographs,
and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary
rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to
all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the
information to further Lions causes.