Guiding Lions and Certified Guiding Lions

At this time no documentation as when the Guiding Lion program started . First documentation appears in the November 1984 Lion magazine.
Criteria for a Guiding Lion in 1984: The award was presented to the experienced Lion who is selected by the District Governor, sponsoring Club President, and International Staff Representative to assist and provide, guidance to the new Club for a period of one year after its organization.

The Certified Guiding Lion Program budget was board approved in 2002 and documentation about the Certified Guiding Lion program appeared in the issue of the April/May 2002 Lion Magazine. The Certified Guiding Lion takes this responsibility one step further by requiring that the Guiding Lion successfully complete the Certified Guiding Lion course and serve the new club for two years instead of one. Upon successfully meeting the certified guiding Lion requirements he or she receives a Certificate of Achievement (pictured below).

Note: Not all Certified Guiding Lions (CGL) are part of the extension team, the extension team is chosen by the District Governor, but if the CGL was chosen, the award process would go like this.  (A) Awarded Guiding Lion pin and would receive the Extension Award Certificate (below), typically at the charter night celebration.  (B) The appropriate Extension Award is presented by the District Governor to the CGL after the club has been chartered for a year and a day. The Certified Guiding Lion Medal award is presented by the District Governor after the club has been chartered for two years (filler image provided).


Guiding Lions Award (pin) circa 1984

Current Guiding Lions pin

CGL Certificate of Achievement

Extension Award Certificate

Certified Guiding Lion Medal
(Filler Image)

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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025