Introduction to growth/sponsorship awards by Lion Bill Keller


When I started this research I sort of put the cart before the horse. The first program that really kicked off the growth/sponsorship awards was in October of 1930 known as phase one of my research known as the  “Key Member Awards”.  Its purpose was to recognize and reward Lions who contributed to the growth and expansion of the association through their sponsorship of new members. Phase two is Founder’s Day (circa 1931) or also known as January Birthday and Founders Program (circa 1948) and later known as the  “Founders and Rededication Month” (circa 1959).  The information on Founder’s Day is currently being researched. Third phase of the growth program was known as the October Growth awards that started in 1957, which includes the Jan-Feb-March, and the Legacy of Lions Growth pins, this phase ended in 1999. The forth phase began in 2000 known as the Year-Round Membership Growth program that continues today. What I call phase five the “higher achievement level” awards which includes Club, Club President, Membership Director, Zone Awards, etc.
Each website will have specific information about all five phases.
So enjoy the pins, ads, articles and history of the growth/sponsorship awards programs.

Lion BK



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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025