Incomplete International Convention Badge and Medals with Ohio Ties information.
(Note: Not a complete project at this time, convention medals started to appear in 1923)

October 8-10,1917
1st Annual Convention Dallas, TX.
August 19-21,1918
2nd Annual Convention St. Louis, MO.
July 9-11,1919
3rd Annual Convention Chicago, IL.
July 14-16,1920
4th Annual Convention Denver, CO.
July 19-21,1921
5th Annual Convention Oakland, CA.
June 20-23,1922
6th Annual Convention Hot Springs, AR.


 June 27-29,1923
7th Annual Convention Atlantic City, NJ.
*June 24-26,1924
8th Annual Convention Omaha, NE.


 June 30-July 2,1925
9th Annual Convention Cedar Point, OH.
* July 21-24,1926
10th Annual Convention San Francisco, CA.


#June 15-18,1927
11th Annual Convention Miami, FL.

July 10-13,1928
12th Annual Convention Des Moines, IA

*June 18-21,1929
13th Annual Convention Louisville, KY.

1921:Dr B.W. Beatty of Dayton, Ohio elected as 3rd VP at the 5th Annual Convention Oakland, CA
1925: 9th annual International Convention/6th District 13 Convention at Cedar Point (Sandusky), OH (Missing)
1927: Horace Kerr of Columbus, Ohio elected to a three year term as Director at the 11th Annual Convention  Miami, Florida
1928:Horace Kerr elected Director in 1927 serving his 2nd year.12th Annual Convention Des Moines, IA (Missing).
1929:Horace Kerr elected Director in 1927 serving his 3rd year. 13th Annual Convention Louisville, KY.

Revised February 5,2017 added convention date info, taken from the book "The World's Biggest Doers.
Ohio's District convention was held on July 29,1925.

# courtesy of  PDG Micheal Gibbs.
*courtesy of Lion Wayne Christen.


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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025