Complete International Convention Badge and Medals/Ribbons with Ohio Ties information.



 July 1-4,1970
53rd Annual Convention Atlantic City, NJ.

 June 22-25,1971
54th Annual Convention Las Vegas, NV.

 June 28- July1,1972
55th Annual Convention Mexico City, Mexico.

 June 27-30,1973
56th Annual Convention Miami, FL.

July 3-6,1974
57th Annual Convention San Francisco, CA.

June 25-28,1975
58th Annual Convention Dallas, TX.

June 23-26,1976
59th Annual Convention Honolulu, HI.

June 29-July 2,1977
60th Annual Convention New Orleans, LA.

June 21-24,1978
61st Annual Convention Tokyo, Japan.

June 20-23,1979
62nd Annual Convention Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

 1973: Merle W. Hartle elected as 2nd year Director at the 56th International Convention in Miami Beach, Florida.
1977: William P. Leibensperger of Columbus, Ohio elected as International Director at the 60th  International Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.
1978: William P. Leibensperger elected as 2nd year Director at the 61st International Convention in Tokyo, Japan.

1970 & 1971 Convention ribbons courtesy of Lion Wayne Christen.
Name tags blanked out to protect the identity of the participant of that convention.

Revised February 5,2017 added convention date info, 1975-1979 dates taken from "WE SERVE A History of the Lions Clubs"


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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025