Semi Complete International Convention Badge and Medals with Ohio Ties information.
(not a completed project at this time, some Badge, medals/ribbons are missing)


July 15-18,1930
14th Annual Convention Denver, CO. 1930
July 14-17,1931
15th Annual Convention Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


 July 19-22,1932
16th Annual Convention Los Angeles, CA.

July 11-14,1933
17th Annual Convention St. Louis, MO.


July 17-20,1934
18th Annual Convention Grand Rapids, MI.

July 23-25,1935
19th Annual Convention Mexico City, Mexico.

July 21-24,1936
20th Annual Convention Providence, RI.
July 20-23,1937
21st Annual Convention Chicago, IL.



July 19-22,1938
22nd Annual Convention Oakland, CA.

July 18-20,1939
Annual Convention Pittsburg, PA.

1932: John Lloyd of Cincinnati, Ohio elected as 1st year International Director at the 16th International Convention in Los Angeles, California.
1933:John Lloyd elected as 2nd year Director at the 17th International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.
1935:John Lloyd elected for one year to fill the unexpired term of Walter Dexter at the 19th International Convention in Mexico City, Mexico.
1938:Henry Bowers of Toledo, Ohio elected as 1st year International Director at the 22nd International Convention in Oakland, California.
1939: Henry Bowers elected as 2nd year Director at the 23rd International Convention in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

1931,1932,1933, 1935,1936 & 1938 Convention medals courtesy of Lion Wayne Christen.

Revised February 5,2017 added convention date info, taken from the book "The World's Biggest Doers.


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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025