Complete International Convention Badge and Medals/Buttons with Ohio Ties information.



 July 23-25,1940
24th Annual Convention Havana, Cuba.

 July 22-25,1941
25th Annual Convention New Orleans, LA.

 July 21-24,1942
26th Annual Convention Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

 July 20-22,1943
27th Annual Convention Cleveland, OH.


August 1-3,1944
28th Annual Convention Chicago, IL.

No Convention (see note)

July 16-19,1946
29th Annual Convention Philadelphia, PA

July 28-31,1947
30th Annual Convention San Francisco, CA.

July 26-29,1948
31st Annual Convention New York, NY.

July 18-21,1949
32nd Annual Convention New York, NY.

1945: No Convention due to the War, the board meet on September 10, 1945 and Guy W. Brentlinger of Lima, Ohio elected as 1st year Director.
1946:Guy W. Brentlinger elected as 2nd year Director at the 29th International Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1948: A. B. Dredge of Springfield, Ohio elected as 1st year International Director at the 31st International Convention in
New York, New York.
A. B. Dredge elected as 2nd year Director at the 32nd International Convention in New York, New York.

Note:1945-No Convention Held
The Board of Directors of Lions International, in  session at San Francisco, California, on June 5, 1945, passed a resolution directing the International President to call an annual convention of the Association for September 10, 1945, at St. Louis, Missouri. The call was issued as  directed, but due to restrictions on transportation imposed by the Office of Defense Transportation and other  circumstances beyond the Association's control, the Board
found it necessary to postpone the 1945 International convention so as to have it called and held in conjunction with the 1946 convention, and the President declared it postponed. The Board of Directors did meet on September 10, 1945, however, and received resignations from those whose terms were expiring and proceeded to fill the vacancies thus created.
Excerpt taken from the book The World’s Biggest Doers The Story Of The Lions-Robert Casey and
 W.A.S. Douglas.


1940,1941,1942 Convention medals and 1943 button courtesy of Lion Wayne Christen.

Revised February 5,2017 added convention date info, taken from the book "The World's Biggest Doers.


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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025