Complete International Convention  Medals/Buttons with Ohio Ties information.

 July 15-20,1950
33rd Annual Convention Chicago, IL.

 June 24-28,1951
34th Annual Convention Atlantic City, NJ.



 June 25-28,1952
35th Annual Convention  Mexico City, Mexico.

 *July 8-10,1953
36th Annual Convention Chicago, IL.

July 7-10,1954
37th Annual Convention New York, NY. 

June 22-25,1955
38th Annual Convention Atlantic City, NJ.

39th Annual Convention Miami, FL.

June 26-29,1957
40th Annual Convention San Francisco, CA.

July 9-12,1958
41st Annual Convention Chicago, IL. 

June 30-July 3,1959
42nd Annual Convention New York, NY

1950: A. B. Dredge of Springfield, Ohio was defeated as 3rd VP of Lions Clubs International at the 33rd International Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
1953: Dr. Dan Martin of Greenville, Ohio elected as 1st year International Director at the 36th International Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
1954: Dr. Dan Martin elected as 2nd year Director at the 37th International Convention in
New York, New York.
1956: Dr. Dan Martin of Greenville, Ohio was defeated as 3rd VP of Lions Clubs International at the 39th International Convention in Miami, Florida.
1957: W. R. "Dick" Bryan of Doylestown, Ohio elected as 1st year International Director at the 40th International Convention in San Francisco, California.
1958: W. R. "Dick" Bryan elected as 2nd year Director at the 41st International Convention in Chicago, Illinois.

*36th Annual Convention Chicago, IL. 1953 Dedicated building.
Revised February 5,2017 added convention date info, taken from convention medals.


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 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025