Lions Clubs International Pins Start Page.
W=Website  =PDF File

International Convention Pins with Ohio Ties W
International Convention Pins with Ohio Ties
 Membership Award Plaques W
Membership Award Plaques
International Convention Badge, Medals and Pins with Ohio Ties W
International Convention Badge, Medals and Pins with Ohio Ties
LCI Membership Program Officer Awards W
LCI Membership Program Officer Awards
International Convention Banners with Ohio Ties W
International Convention Banners with Ohio Ties
District Governors and Zone Chairperson Awards W
District Governors and Zone Chairpersons Awards
International Convention Patches with Ohio Ties W
International Convention Patches with Ohio Ties
 100% Perfect Attendance Award Pins W
100% Perfect Attendance Award Pins
Introduction To Growth Pins W  *100% Attendance Tabs
Including 6 phases of Growth: *Year Attendance Pins
1.Key Awards Program  (Explanation) W
1. Key Awards Program (Explanation)
Lioness 100% Perfect Attendance Awards W
Lioness 100% Perfect Attendance Awards
1A. Key Awards Timeline W
1A. Key Awards Timeline
Golden Anniversary Memorabilia W
Golden Anniversary Memorabilia
1B. Key Awards Memorabilia. W
1B. Key Awards Memorabilia
 Lions International Presidential Theme Pins W
Lions International Presidential Theme Pins
2. January Birthday and Founders Program W
2. January Birthday and Founders Program
 Lions International President Banners W
Lions International President Banners
3. Sponsorship/Growth Pins 1957-1999 & 2013-Present W
3. Sponsorship/Growth Pins
Lions International Vice President Banners W
Lions International Vice President Banners
4. Year-Round Growth W
4. Year-Round Growth
 Past International Presidents Bios & Obits W
5. Higher Growth Achievement Awards W
5. Higher Growth Achievement Awards
LCI Headquarters Banners W
LCI Headquarters Banners
6. LCI Club Growth Banner Patches W
6. LCI Club Growth Banner Patches
LCI Centennial W
LCI Centennial
Certificates of Sponsorship W
Certificates of Sponsorship
LCIF Pins & Buttons W
LCIF Pins & Buttons
Certificates of Membership W
Certificates of Membership
+LCIF Contributing Member Pins W
LCIF Contributing Member Pins
 Lioness Growth Pins W
Lioness Growth Pins
 LCIF Trustee Pins W
LCIF Trustee Pins
LCI Extension Awards W
LCI Extension Awards
LCIF CSFII Advocates Pins W
LCIF CSFII Advocates Pins
 LCI Guiding Lions and Certified Guiding Lions W
LCI Guiding Lions and Certified Guiding Lions
 LCIF CSFII Helen Keller Knight of Sight Pins W
LCIF CSFII Helen Keller Knight of Sight Pins
Mission 1.5 W (Under Construction)  LCIF Patches W
LCIF Patches
On the Cover of the Lion Magazine
A tribute to our International Presidents and Family's 1951-2023
Journey for Sight Pins W
Journey for Sight Pins
*Chevron Awards USA/Canada Forum Pins W
USA/Canada Forum Pins

*=Coming Soon
+includes Lions Share, *Campaign 100 and IP Patty Hill Presidential LCIF Supporter pins

1. New postings and current worksheets website.
2. Previous pins posting website (2009-2017).
3. Worksheet Archive Website (2012-2017).
Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club Pins and sub categories websites.
5. MD13 Pins Websites and sub categories websites.
6.District 13A-13K Pins and sub categories websites. (1966-2016)
7. District 13A-13K Pins and sub categories PDF Files. (1966-2016)
8. District OH1- OH7 Pins and sub categories websites. 
9. Lions Clubs International Pins and sub categories websites.


This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2025